How To Choose The Perfect Cat Bed For Your Feline Friend

Choosing the correct cat bed is very important, even if it may not appear to be the most vital component of cat care. Your cat will spend a lot of time in its bed, so it's essential to make it as cosy and comfy as possible. Here are some things to think about while deciding which cat bed will be best for your cat.

Consider Size

Your cat must have a bed that is the right size for them. You don't want your feline's bed to be too little to move around in, but it also doesn’t need to be too big to be comfortable. When your pet is calm, take their dimensions using a cloth tape measure. Place the tape at the snout and measure to the base of the tail.

Kitten beds are adorable, but they won't last long since the tiny kitten you see now will be fully grown before you know it. So, we recommend finding an adult-sized bed for your cat to grow into. To make the bed appear smaller for the kitten you can fold a soft baby blanket and place it in the bed.

Keep an eye out for your cat's favoured sleeping position too. Choose a round bed if he or she likes to curl up. Larger cats or those who prefer to sleep sprawled out would benefit from square beds. Pick a bed with plenty of cushioning if your cat is large and cats with joint disorders, such as arthritis would also benefit from a more cushioned bed. 

Think About Comfort

While your cat doesn't need to sleep in luxury, they will benefit from a comfortable bed. If the cat bed you provide isn't comfortable enough, your cat will sleep in areas you don't want them to, like your bed or the laundry basket. You should try to establish a comfortable environment for your pet rather than just a box.


Beds with removable outer covers make it easy to clean the parts of the bed that come into contact with your pet. Regular washing will help to prevent the spread of bacteria and eliminate odours.


The location is crucial. It would be best to place the bed in a calm area away from draughts and anything that could fall on it. If you've put the bed on a higher surface, such as a table, make sure it is smaller and does not overlap the table's sides. 

Consider Certain Features

Cat beds come in a variety of colours. While cats are not colour-blind, they do have a limited capacity to detect specific colours. As a result, your cat is probably unconcerned about colour, but you can choose colours that compliment your current décor. Check the labels to make sure you can wash the bed. 

Swat toys that attach to mattresses should be avoided. A bed should be used for relaxing, not for playing, and some of these toys may be dangerous to your kitty if left unsupervised. 


Natural textiles, such as wool or cotton, make great cat beds. Allergies are common in cats, and these textiles may carry less allergens and are more breathable. Check to see if the bed is well-built and robust. Cats may pick at falling apart beds, causing more damage and these small bits can even be ingested by your cat causing digestive issues or sickness. 

Find The Perfect Bed For Your Feline

Your cat's acceptance is the most crucial factor to consider when selecting a cat bed, so you've done your job if you can offer your cat a bed they enjoy sleeping on every night. 

If you’re ready to start cat bed shopping, take a look through our range of cute and comfortable cat beds for your feline friend today!

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